Specialises in:
I qualified as a solicitor in 2001 and have gained experience of working for both private and public sector clients.
I specialise in both residential and commercial property work.
With regards to residential property work, I have experience in representing clients in the purchase and sale of properties, transfer of equity, grant of new leases, sub-leases, sale of leasehold interests and various associated landlord and tenant matters.
My experience in landlord and tenant matters spans over a period of 23 years which includes acting for and on behalf of both tenants and landlords (including social landlords). I advise on and draft Tenancy Agreements, valid Notices, and assist with issuing claims for possession of property.
My commercial property work including working with property developers, advising, and acting on acquisitions of land, sometimes by way of Option Agreements, assisting with the commercial development finance agreements, bridging loans and subsequent sale of the new builds.
I have worked with several commercial clients, in negotiation of land contracts for small or medium scale developments, drafting commercial leases, deeds of variation, licences, advising upon and drafting non-disclosure letters, confidentiality agreements, side letters, and loan/ investment agreements. I have advised and transacted on the Sale and Purchase of Businesses (either the Limited Company purchase or of the Assets and Goodwill).
I provide contract and agreement reviews.
I am a certified Civil Mediator. I assist clients to resolve issues quickly through mediation, which is more cost and time effective. I am skilled at identifying issues, developing creative solutions to help parties reach their desired results. I cover civil matters to include landlord and tenant issues, neighbour disputes, unpaid bills, breach of contracts and/or agreements and general business disputes.
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Sean Stephen McHale
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